Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A Return to Spirit

When I returned to painting, after a more than a 20 year hiatus working as an art therapist, I felt a strong inner call to express my sense of the mystery and wonder of the feminine archetype. I did a series of paintings combining the feminine form and earth images.

To me, the feminine physical form is an archetype for the creative, receptive, and nurturing aspects of all individuals, male and female. The earth symbolizes fertility, growth, harvest, rest, and renewal. Placing these images together was a way of honoring the importance of the creative energy in all of us. It seems also to speak to our interconnectedness with the earth and with all that exists in the Cosmos.

When I entered my mentorship with Michael Newberry, he led me to the study and expression of the visual language of form and space. Recently Ive worried that I was no longer expressing my sense of inner spirit. Michael sensed this and talked with me about how I can express the mystical using the visual principles he is helping me understand.

Happily, I am again inspired to combine the two images in my work. Above are two studies for a painting Ive just started incorporating the female figure and earth forms. Ill show the painting in my next posting.


At August 10, 2007 at 8:08 PM , Blogger Stacy said...

I like these studies Sue! Especially the blue one, but then blue is my favorite color. I'll be checking back to see the painting.

At August 11, 2007 at 7:34 AM , Blogger Sue Johnson said...

Stacy, Blue is my favoite color too. Wonder if it has something to do with being an Aquarian.

At August 12, 2007 at 6:29 PM , Blogger Mary said...

Sue I love the way the two larger circles of the Charcoal drawing are spacially placed. I like both pieces very much!

At August 13, 2007 at 7:02 AM , Blogger Sue Johnson said...

Thank you Mary,I particularly like the charcoal also. Michael is challenging me to create huge depth of atmospheric space in the painting.

At August 13, 2007 at 7:55 AM , Blogger Regula Scheifele said...

Sue, these two drawing really speak to me on a very fundamental level. You caught the archetyp so well that it communicates with our inner self.
Working as a therapist I love using images and these two are really wonderful!

At August 14, 2007 at 7:02 AM , Blogger Sue Johnson said...

Regula, Thanks for stopping by. Thanks also, for the affirmation about the impact of the archetypes. That means a lot. I appreciate feedback from another theraist.

At August 21, 2007 at 1:55 PM , Blogger Anita said...

Sue - these are looking really nice. I like them both but for different reasons. Lovely flowing shapes!


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